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--- Уроки английского языка ---

Содержание выпуска:

1. Для продолжающих

2. Часть 2

3. Английские пословицы

4.Обучающие программы

1. Для продолжающих

Правильные переводы прислала: Виктория Хващевская.

    1. Партнер. Джон Гришам.(перевод Виктории Хващевской)

“Да, адвокат. ” Сэнди был удивлен этим. Патрик снова замолчал, ни слов, не движения, только шелест газеты. Прошло несколько минут. Сэнди сел на единственный стул, намереваясь дождаться друга. Патрик погружался в ужасный и отвратительный мир, где ждали волки, и если бы он захотел солгать об этом, а затем уставился в потолок, то Сэнди бы ничего не имел против . У них было много времен для разговоров. И не было недостатка тем.

«Девочка, которая любила Тома Гордона», Стивен Кинг(перевод Виктории Хващевской)

Триша поднялась и продолжила пробираться сквозь кусты к звуку проточной воды. Теперь она начинала чувствовать усталость, её ноги болели, но она думала, что в общем она в порядке. Конечно она боялась, но не так сильно как прежде. Они найдут её.
Когда люди терялись в лесах они всегда находили их.
Они посылали самолеты и вертолеты и парней с ищейками, и те искали, пока потерянный человек не был найден.

Тема: Прямая и косвенная речь (продолжение)


Commuters (продолжение)

18This was made possible largely because of technological advances achieved since strikes which halted Britain in the late Seventies – the fax machine, the mobile phone and the computer.

19(v) ‘Teleworking’ – likely to be a feature of the next century – came a few years early as the office workers logged on at home or sat down with files and contact books brought out the night before.

20(w) Paul Moorcroft, a 39-years-old assistant finance director for an wxport firm in London, set up a makeshift office in his child’s playroom at home in Crawley, West Sussex, and worked from there. Yesterday (x) he said:’I’ve got a laptop computer. If the boss sends me all my (y) rollicking by fax, I need never go to work again.’

21Like many commuters, Mr Moorcroft decided to stay at home because although his train service is usually reliable, driving can be a nightmare. Not yesterday.

22(z) The AA said most roads were no busier than normal and (aa) on many it was ‘like a Sunday’.

23In South Wales, coach companies reaped a bonanza by putting on extra services for their London motorway route.

24Further north, they were more adventurous.

25Businessman Simon Timperley travelled to his office in Ashton-under-Lyne, Greater Manchester, on a pair of motorized roller skates. On a higher plane, salesman Mark Law flew a microlight over the Pennines from Heywood, near Rochdale, to land in a field next to his office in Halifax.

Задание.1. Переведите тексты.

  1. «The Partner» John Grisham

He was alive, and right now nothing else mattered. Sandy amused himself by recalling images of the funeral and burial, of the casket being lowered on a cold and cloudy day, of the priest's last words and Trudy's controlled sobs. It was downright funny, to think that old Patrick had been hiding in a tree not far away watching them grieve, as had been reported for three days now.

2)Chronology of Personal Computers


  • Apple Computer ships Apple LOGO, supplied by Logo Computer Systems of Canada. [615.120]

  • Microsoft releases FORTRAN for MS-DOS. [346.262]

  • Coprocessors Inc. introduces the 88-Card, a plug-in card for the Apple II, with 64 kB RAM and an Intel 8088 microprocessor. [396.14]

  • Japanese PC market share based on production over the past 12 months: NEC 45%, Sharp 17%, Fujitsu 12%. [885.256]

  • At Microsoft, Tim Paterson completes work on DOS 1.1. [1149.215]

  • Non-Linear Systems introduces the Kaypro II for US$1795. It features 193 kB dual 5.25-inch floppy drives, 2.5 MHz Z80 processor, 64 kB RAM, CP/M 2.2, Perfect Software family, and a 9-inch 80-column green monochrome screen. It measures 18 x 18 x 15 1/2 inches, and weighs 26 pounds. [396.16] [885.212]

  • Xebec introduces a 5 MB hard disk and controller kit for Apple or CP/M computers, for US$1300. [396.16]

  • To date, 98 companies have been licensed to build Ethernet products. Only 18 have announced products. [1063.21]

  • Xedex introduces the Baby Blue card (a Z80B processor on a plug-in card), allowing the IBM PC to run standard CP/M programs. Price: US$600. [346.92] [396.10] (April [9]) (Vendex company[346.93])

  • Tim Paterson quits Microsoft, returning to Seattle Computer Products. [1149.215]

(month unknown)
  • Microsoft files a lawsuit against Advanced Logic Systems claiming copyright infringement of the Z-Card on the BIOS and boot code software of the SoftCard. (The suit is later settled out of court.) [1299.201]

  • At the West Coast Computer Faire, Davong Systems introduces its 5 MB Winchester Disk Drive for the IBM PC, for US$2000. [287.11]

  • Six months after the introduction of the IBM PC, 50,000 units have been sold. [1112.136] (after eight months [218])

3)«The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon» Stephen King

Or maybe I'll kind of save myself. Find a camp in the woods somewhere, break a window if the door's locked and there's no one home, use the telephone...

Trisha could see herself in some hunter's cabin which hadn't been used since the previous fall; she could see camp furniture covered with faded paisley dropcloths and a bearskin rug on the board floor. She could smell dust and old stove ashes; this daydream was so clear she could even smell a trace of ancient coffee. The place was empty but the telephone worked. It was one of the oldfashioned ones, the handset so heavy that she had to hold it in both hands, but it worked and she could hear herself saying: “Hello, Mom? This is Trisha. I don't know exactly where I am, but I'm all r—”




часть 2.

Тема: Словообразование

3. Обозначение связи между двумя или более предметами и людьми

-ship употребляется для образования новых существительных от уже имеющихся в языке. Слова, образованные данным способом, указывают на связь между двумя или более предметами и людьми. Например, friendship «дружба» - это близкие отношения, основанные на взаимном доверии, общности интересов, companionship «товарищеские отношения, дружеское общение» - это состояние, при котором человек не чувствует себя одиноким.

That evening a strong friendship between the two women began.

a cosy new relationship between the two countries.

The overwhelming mood was one of comradeship.

Список слов с данным значением:

acquaintanceship – знакомство

companionship – товарищеские отношения, дружеское общение

comradeship – товарищество, товарищеские отношения

friendship – дружба

kinship – кровное родство; близость; сходство

partnership – партнёрство, партнёрские отношения

relationship – отношение; связь


Английские пословицы

Здесь будут выкладываться пословицы на английском языке c переводом,
которые уже были загаданы в игре

Правила: первый игрок загадывает пословицу на английском языке. Остальные игроки пытаются найти аналог на русском.

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