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Джером Дэвид Сэлинджер/Jerome David Salinger

Литература на английском языке

Джером Дэвид Сэлинджер/Jerome David Salinger

США, 1.1.1919

Прозаик, классик американской литературы ХХ столетия.

Родился в Нью-Йорке в семье коммерсанта. Окончил Военную академию Вэлли-Фордж в Пенсильвании. В 1937 году поступил в Нью-йоркский университет, в годы Второй мировой войны служил в американской армии. В 1948 году опубликовал в газете "Нью-Йорк Таймс" свой первый рассказ - "Хорошо ловится рыбка-бананка". Три года спустя увидел свет роман "Над пропастью во ржи", мгновенно сделавший Сэлинджера модным писателем. К 1963 году выпустил ряд повестей и рассказов, после чего объявил о нежелании продолжать писательскую карьеру и поселился в Корнише, удалившись "от мирских соблазнов". Совсем недавно несколько писем Сэлинджера были проданы на аукционе, и купил их не кто иной как Питер Нортон, экс-глава компании "Симантек"; по словам Нортона, он купил эти письма с тем, чтобы вернуть их Сэлинджеру, стремление которого к уединению и "недопущению кого бы то ни было в свою личную жизнь" достойно всяческого уважения.


J. D. Salinger
Franny and Zooey
Мягкая обложка (2007)


Издательство: Little, Brown and Company, 2007 г.
Мягкая обложка, 208 стр.
ISBN 0-316-76949-5, 978-0-316-76949-5
Язык: Английский

The author writes: Franny came out in The New Yorker/EM Zooey. Both stories are early, critical entries in a narrative series I'm doing about a family of settlers in twentieth-century New York, the Glasses. It is a long-term project, patently an ambitious one, and there is a real-enough danger, I suppose, that sooner or later I'll bog down, perhaps disappear entirely, in my own methods, locutions, and mannerisms. On the whole, though, I'm very hopeful. I love working on these Glass stories, I've been waiting for them most of my life, and I think I have fairly decent, monomaniacal plans to finish them with due care and all-available skill.


J.D. Salinger
The Catcher in the Rye
Мягкая обложка (1991)


Ever since it was first published in 1951, this novel has been the coming-of-age story against which all others are judged. Read and cherished by generations, the story of Holden Caulfield is truly one of America's literary treasures.


J.D. Salinger
The Catcher in the Rye
Мягкая обложка (2008)


Ever since it was first published in 1951, this novel has been the coming-of-age story against which all others are judged. Read and cherished by generations, the story of Holden Caulfield is truly one of America's literary treasures.


J. D. Salinger
Nine Stories
Мягкая обложка (1991)


Издательство: Little, Brown and Company, 1991 г.
Мягкая обложка, 208 стр.
ISBN 978-0-316-76950-1, 0-316-76950-9
Язык: Английский

The war hangs over these wry stories of loss and occasionally unsuppressed rage. Salinger's children are fragile, odd, hypersmart, whereas his grownups (even the materially content) seem beaten down by circumstances - some neurasthenic, others (often female) deeply unsympathetic. The greatest piece in this disturbing book may be "The Laughing Man," which starts out as a man's recollection of the pleasures of storytelling and ends with the intersection between adult need and childish innocence. The narrator remembers how, at nine, he and his fellow Comanches would be picked up each afternoon by the Chief - a Staten Island law student paid to keep them busy. At the end of each day, the Chief winds them down with the saga of a hideously deformed, gentle, world-class criminal. With his stalwart companions, which include "a glib timber wolf" and "a lovable dwarf", the Laughing Man regularly crosses the Paris - China border in order to avoid capture by "the internationally famous detective" Marcel Dufarge and his daughter, "an exquisite girl, though something of a transvestite". The masked hero's luck comes to an end on the same day that things go awry between the Chief and his girlfriend, hardly a coincidence. "A few minutes later, when I stepped out of the Chief's bus, the first thing I chanced to see was a piece of red tissue paper flapping in the wind against the base of a lamppost. It looked like someone's poppy-petal mask. I arrived home with my teeth chattering uncontrollably and was told to go straight to bed".


J. D. Salinger
Raise High the Roof Beam, Carpenters and Seymour: An Introduction
Мягкая обложка (1991)


Издательство: Little, Brown and Company, 1991 г.
Мягкая обложка, 224 стр.
ISBN 978-0-316-76951-8, 0-316-76951-7
Язык: Английский

Whatever their differences in mood or effect, they are both very much concerned with Seymour Glass, who is the main character in my still-uncompleted series about the Glass family. It struck me that they had better be collected together, if not deliberately paired off, in something of a hurry, if I mean them to avoid unduly or undesirably close contact with new material in the series. There is only my word for it, granted, but I have several new Glass stories coming along? waxing, dilating? each in its own way, but I suspect the less said about them, in mixed company, the better. Oddly, the joys and satisfactions of working on the Glass family peculiarly increase and deepen for me with the years. I can't say why, though. Not, at least, outside the casino proper of my fiction.

Прислал: admin  [30-01-2010 20:33:29]

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