THE LANCASTRIANS :Henry 4(r. 1399-1413)(grandson of Edward III, son of John of Gaunt)
Тема: Короли Англии(на англ.языке)
Дата:22-07-2009 13:53:21

Henry IV spent much of the early part of his reign fighting to keep control of his lands. Exiled for life by Richard II in 1399, Henry's successful usurpation did not lead to general recognition of his claim (he remained unrecognised as King by Charles VI of France). An outbreak of the plague in 1400 was accompanied by a revolt in Wales led by Owen Glendower. In 1403, Henry's supporters, the Percys of Northumberland, turned against him and conspired with Glendower - the Percys and the Welsh were defeated by Henry at the Battle of Shrewsbury. This victory was followed by the execution of other rebels at York (including the Archbishop in 1405). By 1408 Henry had gained control of the country. Henry was dogged by illness from 1405 onwards; his son played a greater role in government (even opposing the King at times). In 1413, Henry died exhausted, in the Jerusalem Chamber at Westminster Abbey.

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