Бирс / Ambrose Gwinnett Bierce
США, 24.6.1842 - 26.12.1913
писатель, журналист и художник, автор знаменитого "Словаря дьявола"Амброз
Гвинет Бирс Ambrose Gwinnett BierceРодился 24 июня 1842 года. Младший из девяти
детей в семье. В семнадцатилетнем возрасте поступил в Военную Академию штата Кентукки.
Участвовал в Гражданской войне на стороне конфедератов, был ранен, демобилизовался
в звании лейтенанта. После войны сменилнесколько профессий - в частности, некоторое
время служил ночным сторожем в банке, - пока наконец не нашел себя в журналистике
и политической карикатуре. В 1872 году уехал по заданию редакции в Лондон, где
провел четыре года и заслужил за свои язвительныестатьи прозвище "Бирс с
горчинкой" (Bitter Bierce; по аналогии с Bitter Beer - "горькое пиво").
В 1876 году Бирс вернулся в Америку и стал работать в газете "Санди Экземинер",
выходившей в Сан-Франциско. Именно после возвращения домой были написаны его лучшие
рассказы и статьи; Бирса даже называли "Сэмюэлом Джонсоном Западного побережья".
Однако профессиональный успех не доставлял Бирсу удовлетворения, ибо у него возникли
неприятности в личной жизни. В 1889 году старший сын Бирса погиб на дуэли из-за
женщины, а младший сын умер в 1901 году от алкоголизма. В довершение всего, в
1904 году от него ушла жена. Сломленный бедами, в 1913 году Бирс перешел мексиканскую
границу - и бесследно исчез. Больше его никто не видел. Считается, что Амброз
Бирс скончался 26 декабря 1913 года. ...
War Stories
Мягкая обложка (2006)
short-story writer, poet and satirist, Ambrose Bierce is one of the most striking
and unusual literary figures America has produced. Dubbed "Bitter Bierce"
for his vitriolic wit and biting satire, his fame rests largely on a celebrated
compilation of barbed epigrams, The Devil's Dictionary , and a book of short stories
(Tales of Soldiers and Civilians, 1891). Most of the 16 selections in this volume
have been taken from the latter collection.
Bierce's stories employ a buildup
of suggestive realistic detail to produce grim and vivid tales often disturbing
in their mood of fatalism and impending calamity. Hauntingly suggestive, they
offer excellent examples of the author's dark pessimism and storytelling power.
на английском языке.
What I Saw of Shiloh
Four Days in Dixie
c. 19-26
A Horseman in the Sky
c. 27-32
Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge
c. 33-40
c. 41-46
A Son
of the Gods
c. 47-52
One of the Missing
c. 53-62
Killed at Resaca
c. 63-68
The Affair at Coulter's Notch
c. 69-76
The Coup de Grace
c. 77-82
Parker Adderson, Philosopher
c. 83-88
An Affair of Outposts
c. 89-98
The Story of a Conscience
c. 99-104
One Kind of Officer
c. 105-114
George Thurston
c. 115-118
The Mocking-bird
c. 119-123
Complete Short Stories of Ambrose Bierce
Мягкая обложка (2008)
Digireads.com, 2008 г.
Мягкая обложка, 332 стр.
ISBN 1420930494
American journalist and satirist Ambrose Bierce is probably best
known for his short stories about the American Civil War. The author's craft for
story-telling is exemplified by his famous "An Occurence at Owl Creek Bridge",
which is the story of Peyton Farquhar, a Confederate sympathizer condemned to
die by hanging upon the Owl Creek Bridge. That great short story along with 96
others forms this exhaustive edition of "The Complete Short Stories of Ambrose
and Horror Stories of Ambrose Bierce
Мягкая обложка (1964)
Dover Publications, 1964 г.
Мягкая обложка, 200 стр.
ISBN 0486207676
Modern horror stories by American master. "The Eyes of the
Panther", "The Damned Thing," 21 more. These pieces are not dated,
nor are they lacking any of the narrative elements necessary to attract and hold
the attention of anyone interested in the horror genre.
Devil's Dictionary
Твердый переплет (2004)
Bierce's classic work of satirical wit and Steadman's pointed pen redefine
the way we see even the seemingly simplest of terms.
Acquaintance, n.: A
person whom we know well enough to borrow from but not well enough to lend to.
n.: A woman with a great future behind her.
Consult, v: To seek another's approval
of a course already decided on.
Ambrose Bierce's "dictionary"
of epigrams, essays, verses, and vignettes targets the religious, the romantic,
the political, and the economic, in equal measure. The book you need to define
both friends and enemies, The Devil's Dictionary is also the perfect gift, showcasing
Bierce's razor-sharp wit and Ralph Steadman's incisive pen to their best advantage.
of Soldiers and Civilians
Книгопечатная продукция (2004)
Book DescriptionWitty, irreverent tales of war and the supernatural from the maverick
misanthrope of American literature.
Questing after Pancho Villa's revolutionary
forces, Ambose Bierce rode into Mexico in 1913 and completely vanished off the
face of the earth. Though his ultimate fate remains a mystery to this day, Bierce's
contribution to American letters rests firmly on the basis of his incomparable
Devil's Dictionary and a remarkable body of short fiction. This new collection
gatherssome three dozen of Bierce's finest stories, including the celebrated Civil
War fictions "An Occurrence at Owl Creek" and "Chickamauga,"
his macabre masterpieces "The Damned Thing" and "Moxon's Master,"
and his hilariously horrific "Oil of Dog" and "My Favorite Murder."
Quirk, the volume's editor, provides a fascinating introductory essay, as well
as indispensable explanatory notes, a glossary of military terms, and a catalog
of Civil War battle sites and leaders.
Edited with an Introduction and Notes
by Tom Quirk