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Hercule Poirot (комплект из 7 книг)

Литература на английском языке

Hercule Poirot (комплект из 7 книг)

Agatha Christie

Foreign book (2013)

Книга 1 Книга 2 Книга 3 Книга 4 Книга 5 Книга 6 Книга 7
The Mysterious Affair at Styles

After the Great War, life can never be the same again. Wounds need healing, and the horror of violent death banished into memory.
Captain Arthur Hastings is invited to the rolling country estate of Styles to recuperate from injuries sustained at the Front. It is the last place he expects to encounter murder. Fortunately he knows a former detective, a Belgian refugee, who has grown bored of retirement...

The Murder of Roger Ackroyd

Poor Roger Ackroyd. He knew that the woman he loved had been harbouring a guilty secret - she poisoned her first husband. And yesterday she killed herself.
But guilty secrets rarely stay secret. Who had been blackmailing her before her death? Had it really driven her to suicide? And would it all be revealed in the letter that arrived in the evening post? Sadly Roger Ackroyd wasn't going to live long enough to find out...

Murder on the Orient Express

Just after midnight, the famous Orient Express is stopped in its tracks by a snowdrift. A passenger lies dead in his compartment, stabbed a dozen times, his door locked from the inside.
Isolated by the storm and with a killer in their midst, detective Hercule Poirot must identify the prime suspects from a scornful and impatient array of foreign passengers - before the murderer decides to strike again...

The ABC Murders

Murder is a very simple crime. But at the hands of a maniac, a serial killer, it becomes a very complicated business.
With the whole country in a state of panic, the killer is growing more confident with each successive execution - Mrs Ascher in Andover, Betty Barnard in Bexhill, Sir Carmichael Clarke in Churston... But laying a trail of deliberate clues to taunt the proud Hercule Poirot might just be his first mistake.

Hercule Poirot's Christmas

Christmas Eve. A time for good cheer - eating, drinking and over-indulgence; an opportunity to bring together families who have grown apart.
The Lee family reunion is shattered by a deafening crash of furniture and a blood-curdling scream. The tyrannical Simeon Lee is found dead in a pool of his own blood, his throat slashed. Despite the festivities, it seems that everyone in the family hated the old man, one of them enough to kill him...

Five Little Pigs

A twenty-first birthday is a time for celebration. A time to look forward to the future, to marrying your fiance. A time to forget that your father was poisoned by your mother, and that she died in prison when you were only five years old.
Carla's coming-of-age present is a letter telling her that Mummy was innocent. Desperate to clear her mother's name, she asks Hercule Poirot to go back and interview the original suspects: a stockbroker (who went to market); his brother (who stayed at home); a socialite (who had roast beef); their governess (who had none); and a disfigured young archaeologist (who cried 'wee wee wee' all the way home)...

Curtain: Poirot's Last Case

Captain Hastings' invitation to a reunion with his old friend Hercule Poirot brings them full circle, back to the rambling country house of Styles where they solved their first murder together.
But both Poirot and Styles have seen better days. Despite being crippled with arthritis, there seems to be nothing wrong with the great detective's 'little grey cells' - until he brands one of the seemingly harmless guests a five-times murderer. Have Hercule Poirot's deductive instincts finally deserted him, or is there really a serial killer determined to bring down the curtain on all of them?

Прислал: admin  [26-01-2014 17:39:20]

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