The Oxford Encyclopedia of British Literature: 5-Volume Set
Oxford Encyclopedia of British Literature: 5-Volume Set ЗАКАЗАТЬ 2006
г. Твердый переплет, 2656 стр. ISBN 0195169212 From folk ballads
to film scripts, this new five-volume encyclopedia covers the entire history of
British literature from the seventh century to the present, focusing on the writers and the major texts of what are now the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland.
In five hundred substantial essays written by major scholars, the Encyclopedia
of British Literature includes biographies of nearly four hundred individual authors
and a hundred topical essays with detailed analyses of particular themes, movements,
genres, and institutions whose impact upon the writing or the reading of literature
was significant. An ideal companion to The Oxford Encyclopedia of American Literature,
this set will prove invaluable for students, scholars, and general readers. For
more information, including a complete table of contents and list of contributors,
please visit ---- Samuel
Johnson The
Lives of the Poets: Boxed Set (Oxford English Texts) Твердый переплет (2006)
г. Твердый переплет, 2062 стр. ISBN 0199278970 Johnson himself wrote
in 1782: 'I know not that I have written any thing more generally commended than
the Lives of the Poets'. Always recognized as a major biographical and critical
achievement, Samuel Johnson's last literary project is also one of his most readable
and entertaining, written with characteristic eloquence and conviction, and at
times with combative trenchancy. Johnson's fifty-two biographies constitute a
detailed survey of English poetry from the early seventeenth century down to his
own time, with extended discussions of Cowley, Milton, Waller, Dryden, Addison,
Prior, Swift, Pope, and Gray. The Lives also include Johnson's memorable biography
of the enigmatic Richard Savage (1744), the friend of his own early years in London.
Roger Lonsdale's Introduction describes the origins, composition, and textual
history of the Lives, and assesses Johnson's assumptions and aims as biographer
and critic. The commentary provides a detailed literary and historical context,
investigating Johnson's sources, relating the Lives to his own earlier writings
and conversation, and to the critical opinions of his contemporaries, as well
as illustrating their early reception. This is the first scholarly edition since
George Birkbeck Hill's three-volume Oxford edition (1905). -----
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