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Jane Austen

Литература на английском языке Jane Austen
Emma. Pride and Prejudice. Sense and Sensibility. Mansfield Park. Northanger Abbey. Persuasion (подарочный комплект из 6 книг)
Суперобложка, футляр (2004)



Книга 1

"Handsome, clever and rich" Miss Emma Woodhouse has no responsibilities other than the care of her elderly indulgent and valetudinarian father. Having lost her close companion Anne Taylor to marriage, she sets out on an ill-fated career of match-making in the town of Highbury. Taking as her subject the pretty but dreary Harriet Smith, she manages to cause misunderstandings with every new tactic she employs. Precious and spoilt, Emma is charming to all those around her but insensitive to their feelings, so it takes her some time to learn her lesson and profit from spending less time worrying about how other people should live their lives and more time redeeming herself in the eyes of Mr. Knightley, her sternest critic.

Книга 2

Pride and Prejudice
"Pride and Prejudice" is a delightful social comedy and a tunelessly affecting love story. Elizabeth Bennet is the headstrong young woman whom no man seems capable of taming; Fitzwilliam Darcy is the arrogant landowner who disdains to think it would be worth his trying to do so. Jane Austen's poised narrative shows how these two apparently incompatible characters learn to overcome their initial feelings of mutual dislike. A tour de force of wit and sparkling dialogue, "Pride and Prejudice" is also a sumptuously detailed picture of contemporary society, which, in its exploration of manners and motives, has a great deal to say about the society of today. Austen's best-loved novel is a memorable story about the inaccuracy of first impressions, about the power of reason, and above all about the strange dynamics of human relationships and emotions.

Книга 3

Sense and Sensibility
"Sense and Sensibility", the first of Jane Austen's major novels, is a portrait of two very different sisters, Elinor and Marianne Dashwood. Elinor is practical and disciplined, Marianne capricious and emotional, yet they share a troubled and impoverished family background, and both must struggle to achieve the happiness they deserve. Ranged against them are the forces of a society where men and masculinity predominate; Elinor and Marianne have to balance their emotional needs against the harsh financial realities of the world at large. "Sense and Sensibility" is a chronicle of romantic misfortunes, narrated with irony and a sharp eye for hypocrisy. A powerful drama of family life and growing up, the novel is at once a subtle comedy of manners and a striking critique of early-nineteenth-century society.

Книга 4

Mansfield Park
"Mansfield Park" is a novel about town and country, surface dazzle and lasting values. Fanny Price, a poor relation of the wealthy Bertram family, is brought up at their country house and falls in love with Edmund, their younger son. Their apparently settled life is torn apart by the arrival of the worldly Crawfords. Mary Crawford sets her cap at Edmund; her brother Henry proposes to Fanny, who loathes him for toying with her cousins, the daughters of the house. With her usual psychological insight and minute attention to detail, Jane Austen paints an irresistibly lifelike portrait of shifting values and split loyalties. At its centre is Fanny, a young woman of principle who fights to find a place for herself in a world where she is both neglected and hounded.
"Mansfield Park" remains as fresh today as when it was written.

Книга 5

Northanger Abbey
"Northanger Abbey" is the story of Catherine Morland, an enthusiastic but naive girl intent on becoming a heroine like the ones she has read about in popular novels. Searching for romance and adventures worthy of her favourite works of fiction, she becomes ever more entangled in an authentic world of manipulation, greed and disloyalty. This is one of Jane Austen's earliest and most varied works. It contains fascinating insights into her life as both a reader and a writer, and is as imaginative and entertaining as the Gothic novels it sets out to lampoon.

Книга 6

Jane Austen's final novel is the story of Anne Elliot, a woman who gets a second chance. As a teenager she becomes engaged to a man who seems perfect for her, Frederick Wentworth. But she is persuaded to break the engagement off by her friend Lady Russell, who believes he is too poor to be a suitable match. The episode plunges Anne into a period of bleak disappointment. Eight years later, Frederick returns from the Napoleonic Wars flushed with success. Anne's circumstances have also changed; her father's spendthrift ways mean he has been forced to lease the family home to a naval family. Will Anne and Frederick rediscover their love? Can their changed fortunes inhibit their feelings? "Persuasion" is a story of self-knowledge and personal regeneration, of social change and emotional politics.

Прислал: admin  [19-07-2009 16:33:33]

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