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Michael Jackson. Legend. Hero. Icon

James Aldis
Michael Jackson. Legend. Hero. Icon
Книгопечатная продукция (2009)

Издательство: HarperCollins, 2009 г.
ISBN 9780007339839


With a colourful life spanning from 1968 when Michael was a member of the Jackson 5

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Dan Brown-The Lost Symbol

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Erskine Childers
[23-07-2009]  Erskine Childers
The Golden Age of Detective Fiction. Part 5 (аудиокнига MP3)


Издательство: 1С-Паблишинг, 2009 г.
ISBN 978-5-9677-1046-9
Язык: Английский

"The Riddle of the Sands" by Erskine Childers is one of the best spy

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Mark Ibbotson Cambridge English for Engineering: Student's Book (+ 2 CD)

Mark Ibbotson Cambridge English for Engineering: Student's Book (+ 2 CD)


Издательство: Cambridge University Press, 2008 г.
Мягкая обложка, 112 стр.
ISBN 978-0-521-71518-8
Язык: Английский
Формат: 190x246
Мелованная бумага, Цветные иллюстрации

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ABBYY Lingvo x3. Мобильная версия на карте памяти 2 Гб
Весь мир в твоем кармане!


Прикладная программа
Карта памяти, 2008 г.
Издатель: ABBYY; Разработчик: ABBYY; Дистрибьютор: ABBYY

ABBYY Lingvo x3 Мобильная версия на карте памяти формата

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Richard 3(r. 1483-1485)(uncle of Edward V)
[22-07-2009]  RICHARD III (r. 1483-1485)

Richard III usurped the throne from the young Edward V, who disappeared with his younger brother while under their ambitious uncle's supposed protection.

On becoming king, Richard attempted genuine reconciliation with the Yorkists by showing consideration to Lancastrians purged from office by Edward IV, and moved Henry VI's body to St George's Chapel at Windsor. The first laws written entirely in English were passed during his reign. In 1484, Richard's only legitimate son Edward predeceased him.

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Edward 5 (deposed)(r. April-June 1483)
[22-07-2009]  EDWARD V (r. April-June 1483) Edward V was a minor, and his uncle Richard, Duke of Gloucester, was made Protector. Richard had been loyal throughout to his brother Edward IV including the events of 1470-71, Edward's exile and their brother's rebellion (the Duke of Clarence, who was executed in 1478 by drowning, reputedly in a barrel of Malmsey wine). However, he was suspicious of the Woodville faction, possibly believing they were the cause of Clarence's death. In response to an attempt by Elizabeth Woodville to take power, Richard and Edward V entered London in May, with Edward's coronation fixed for 22 June. However, in mid-June Richard assumed the throne as Richard III (reigned 1483-85). Edward V and his younger brother Richard were declared illegitimate, taken to the Royal apartments at the Tower of London (then a Royal residence) and never seen again. (Skeletons, allegedly theirs, found there in 1674 were later buried in Westminster Abbey.)

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THE YORKISTS : Edward 4 (deposed)(r. 1461-1470 and 1471-1483)(great grandson of Edmund of York, Edward III's youngest son)
[22-07-2009]  EDWARD IV (r. 1461-1470 and 1471-1483)

Edward IV was able to restore order, despite the temporary return to the throne of Henry VI (reigned 1470-71, during which time Edward fled to the Continent in exile) supported by the Earl of Warwick, 'the Kingmaker', who had previously supported Edward and who was killed at the Battle of Barnet in 1471. Edward also made peace with France; by a shrewd display of force to exert pressure, Edward reached a profitable agreement with Louis XI at Picquigny in 1475.
At home, Edward relied heavily on his own personal control in government, reviving the ancient custom of sitting in person 'on the bench' (i.e. in judgement) to enforce justice. He sacked Lancastrian office-holders and used his financial acumen to introduce tight management of royal revenues to reduce the Crown's debt. Building closer relations with the merchant community, he encouraged commercial treaties; he successfully traded in wool on his own account to restore his family's fortunes and enable the King to 'live of his own', paying the costs of the country's administration from the Crown Estates profits and freeing him from dependence on subsidies from Parliament.

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Elizabeth I's Speech to her Last Parliament (The Golden Speech).
[22-07-2009]  Q U E E N E
P A R L I A M E N T.

The 30 of November 1601; her Maiestie being set vnder State in the Councell Chamber at Whitehall, the Speaker, accompanied with Privy Councellours, besides Knights and Burgesses of the lower House to the number of eight-score, presenting themselves at her Maeisties feet, for that so graciously and speedily shee had heard and yeelded to her Subiects desires, and proclaimed the same in their hearing as followeth.
Mr. Speaker,

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Elizabeth1(r. 1558-1603)(Henry's daughter by Anne Boleyn)
[22-07-2009]  ELIZABETH I (r. 1558-1603)

Elizabeth I - the last Tudor monarch - was born at Greenwich on 7 September 1533, the daughter of Henry VIII and his second wife, Anne Boleyn. Her early life was full of uncertainties, and her chances of succeeding to the throne seemed very slight once her half-brother Edward was born in 1537. She was then third in line behind her Roman Catholic half-sister, Princess Mary. Roman Catholics, indeed, always considered her illegitimate and she only narrowly escaped execution in the wake of a failed rebellion against Queen Mary in 1554.

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